How the TEMPTATIONS™ brand resisted the seven deadly sins of product launches

IPA Effectiveness Awards Case Study 2024

TEMPTATIONS™, the Mars-owned cat treat brand (labelled Dreamies in the UK and other markets), was so dominant in its category that advertising delivered diminishing returns. Mars chose the brand for what became the biggest US pet food new product launch in a decade. Advertising stayed true to the brand's established core benefit of irresistible taste, with executions of CATS LOSE THEIR COOL™ inspired both by an algorithm that analysed how people discussed cats and a database of 'perfect cat' tropes in pop culture. Econometrics estimates advertising drove $75m in sales and $1.54 of profit for every $1 invested.

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Client Statement

Lukasz Wysoczanski, Global Marketing Manager Temptations, Mars

The TEMPTATIONS™ brand is a gift for marketeers. Cats love the products, and owners love seeing their cats go wild for them. With this gift, comes the duty to make strong strategic decisions to supercharge growth. Mars is no stranger to product launches. As an organisation, we have learned from our successes and challenges over the years, taking them all into the launch of TEMPTATIONS™ Dry Food.

Our agency partners were pivotal to injecting cultural relevance and cool into our communications. This made the campaign entertaining, engaging and ultimately drove sales. Without CATS LOSE THEIR COOL™, this TEMPTATIONS™ Dry Food launch would not have been the biggest pet launch in a decade. We are so proud to share this paper with the IPA community. A truly irresistible case study about launching a product the right way, and resisting the sins that tempt us along the way.

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Winners 2024

Bronze Winner


How the TEMPTATIONS™ brand resisted the seven deadly sins of product launches




Mars Inc.



Principal Authors

  • Alice Wagner - adam&eveDDB
  • Luke Williams - adam&eveDDB
  • Jack Spicer - adam&eveDDB

Contributing Authors

  • Heather Alderson - adam&eveDDB
  • Les Binet - adam&eveDDB
  • Kevin van den Brink - Quantum Data Technologies

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